Object Recognition Using Perspective Glass For Blind/Visually Impaired


  • S. Naveen Kumar
  • K. Varun
  • J Mohamed Rahman


Raspberry pi, android things, Tensor Flow, Ultrasonic Sensor.


Perspective glass is wearable pair of glass which is designed for blind people which helps
them in resolving a major difficulty they face such as identifying the objects or obstacles
present before them during walking. The Perspective glass consists of a raspberry pi board,
5mpcamera, ultrasonic sensors, buzzer, headphone, power source. This glass is controlled by
a Power button which when pushed ON, will take pictures of the surroundings with respect to
the position of the person wearing it. The clarity and the resolution of the picture purely
reside on the camera used. The captured information is transferred to the application
software which is manually built with the help of Fire Base application. The transferred data
is then analyzed with the help of library files that are interfaced to the application via Neural
Network “Tensor Flow”. Finally the captured image is recognized with the help of Tensor
Flow, and the information regarding the object is given out as a voice output to the person
via speaker/headphones. All the components are interfaced to the Raspberry pi board which
act as the central processing unit. It has the overall control on this setup. In addition to that
an Ultrasonic Sensor is connected to the setup which when sensing an obstacle within a
particular distancze of 3 meter, will produce a buzzer sound instantly giving a caution alert
to the blind person. The overall setup is powered through an external power source (power
bank). These Smart Glasses for Blind people is a portable device, easy to use, light weight,
and user friendly. These glasses could easily guide the blind people and help them in better
handling of obstacles.




