Color Based Product Sorting Machine using IOT


  • Digambar A. Jakkan
  • Chaugule Bharat Sudhakar
  • Jagtap Sanket Vilas
  • Khan Umar Aslam


Color Based, Sorting, Machine, IOT


Object sorting systems is one of the useful systems in today’s Industrial world. Previously,
man power was utilized for this purpose but the process is time consuming when it comes to
sort large number of objects in industries as human brain takes time to process images. Due
to sorting operations with some technologies would reduce efforts and gives better results
with lesser time. The detection of the particular colour is done by a light intensity to
frequency the robotic arm is controlled by an Arduino, which controls DC servo motors.
Robotic arm is a kind of programmable mechanical arm, similar to human arm. They are
programmed to faithfully carry out repetitive actions with a high degree of accuracy.
Outcome of this project can be stored on cloud “Tingspeak”. This is the main application of
IoT where we can store the information from anywhere and anytime.




