A Review on ARM based Milk Quality Checking System


  • Shinde Kajal P.
  • Yadav Shivashkti K.
  • Bajaniya Shivangi R.
  • Gholap Arati B.
  • Kadam P.R.


Intel galileo gen II, SD I.2.9 sensors, SD C.2.1 network, SD J.7 real time


Food safety is more important issue in rural as well as in urban area, for the development of
metropolitanization. So, Smart city taken initiative for the economic growth and to improve
the quality of life. Survey shows that, raw milk contains different pathogenic microbes if such
milk get refrigerated or stored it will affect an illness and break quality of life. So, it is
necessary to develop such tools which will a real time quality monitoring with smart sensing
system to make on time decisions. In this project we are going to develop such a tool which
allows recognizing concentration of different gases in raw milk. In previous system work has
been done with ARM processors. We are proposing a system which contains Intel Galileo
Gen 2 and other sensors which help to identify different microbial activities in raw milk. We
are going to design an Android Application which will display the microbial activities
present in raw milk. System can detect such activity easily by checking presence of ethanol,
acetic acid etc.




