A Review: Use of Arduino Board in Android for Home Appliances


  • Sudesh L. Farpat
  • Satish S. More
  • Shubham D. Takwale


Arduino, android, has, android studio


This paper describes the Wireless Home Automation. In our day to life science plays an
important role. The various devices make our life comfortable but we still feel there should be
atomization provided in our home or industry. Due to fast development of technology, future
communication and transmission are totally depends upon wireless network. Wireless
communication in the term of wireless network design and management which upgrading the
upcoming wireless communication technology over wide range. The main plan is to
mechanically management and monitor electrical and electronic home appliances. Wireless
technologies such as GSM, Wi-Fi, and Internet have been of great use in various sectors
including industries which are dealing with the energy automation products. The wireless
technologies give great flexibility in the operation and control of devices across a certain
range depending on the technology that is being used. Home automation not only refers to
reduce human efforts but also energy saving and time efficiency. The main objective of home
automation and security is to help handicapped and old aged people who will enable them to
control home appliances and alter then in critical situations. The design and prototype
implementation of new Wi-Fi technology based monitoring and controlling the field
equipment or machines using Phone, Tablet, Laptop or any Desktop PC Wi-Fi utility. It is
very easy, reliable, secure, fast and wireless solution. The rapidly advancing mobile
communication makes it possible to incorporate mobile technology into smart Home system.
Smart Home system consist of mobile phone with android capabilities, an internet based
application and home server. The present an innovative low cost design and implementation
of automated control and home security together with the design of android application to
enable the smart phone to send commands and receive alert through the server based system.




