of Recent Activities in Infrastructure Science (e-ISSN: 2582-3124)2024-09-04T15:52:55+0530Open Journal Systems<p><abbr title="Journal of Recent Activities in Infrastructure Science"><strong>JoRAIS</strong></abbr> is a print e-journal focused towards the rapid Publication of fundamental research papers on all areas of Infrastructure Science. This Journal involves the basic principles that can be defined as "the physical components of interrelated systems providing commodities and services essential to enable, sustain, or enhance societal living conditions, Critical Infrastructure- Airline, Urban Infrastructure- Streets, Water Distribution and Sewers Green Infrastructure- Land Use Planning, IT Infrastructure, Research Infrastructure, Employment Infrastructure, Tourism Infrastructure, Land Improvement and Land Development, Public Works and Public Services, Infrastructure in the Developing World. This Journal involves the comprehensive coverage of all the aspects of Infrastructure Science.</p> Bricks Using Fly Ash and Dyeing Sludge2024-09-04T15:40:37+0530M.I.Abdul<p>Geopolymer brick is an innovative construction material produced using Fly Ash and dyeing waste. Fly Ash, a by-product of coal obtained from the thermal power plants rich in silica and alumina, plays the role of clay in the brick by the reaction with alkali (Sodium Hydroxide NaOH) and Sodium Silicate (Na2SiO3) producing alumino silicate gel, that acted as a binding material. Dyeing sludge is a waste material obtained as the final residue after treating the effluent from the dyeing industry. An attempt is made to manufacture Geopolymer bricks using Fly Ash and dyeing waste sludge. Bricks of size 230 x 115x 75 mm were prepared and cured under hot air oven curing for 24 hours. The compressive strength and water absorption test were taken out. Their results were compared with ordinary clay brick.</p>2016-10-26T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Recent Activities in Infrastructure Science (e-ISSN: 2582-3124) Of Geo cell In Pavement : A Review2024-09-04T15:52:55+0530Mr. Pavan Tekamshrikantharle@gmail.comShrikant M.<p>Study is to evaluate the performance of a relatively new method in ground improvement under a harsh condition, simulating its response to intense rainfall as a result of extreme weather. Geo-cell reinforcement is one of the soil reinforcement techniques. Geo-cell membrane increase the load carrying capacity of soil. Geo-cell are honeycomb interconnected cell that completely encase the soil and provide all-around confinement thus preventing the lateral spreading of the infill material. Geo-cells consist of a series of interconnected single cell that are manufactured from different type of polymers. Thus in this study we came across various types of geo cells their functions location and application in construction of road pavement. When the structure is constructed over loose or weak soil then it is very difficult to follow these basic criteria. A versatile method in term of its cost effectiveness for the improvement of the strength of soft soils is the provision of geo-cells.</p>2016-12-30T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Recent Activities in Infrastructure Science (e-ISSN: 2582-3124) Analysis of Bottled Drinking Water In And Around Trichy<p>Sales of bottled drinking water have increased dramatically in the past two decades. The consumers were fully satisfied only with its easy portable nature and partially with its intake because of the existence of large variations in the concentration of parameters present in the different brands of bottled drinking water. To assess this quality of bottled water issues, in Trichy, samples of 8 brands of uncarbonated natural bottled water were evaluated within 3 months. A comparison between the water composition and the maximum contaminant levels imposed by the Indian standards and several other International guidelines for all parameters were discussed. They varied in composition among the brands and from lot to lot for a particular brand. The results of chloride were very low allowed for bottled waters by the Indian standards and several other International organizations and it leads to knee pain if people consume it regularly. Additional changes in the water chemistries may also occur during storage and transportation, especially when bottles are exposed to direct sunlight. The number and type of parameters reported on the labels of bottled water showed a lack of homogeneity. These results suggest the need for more stringent standardization of the bottled water market, with particular attention to quality control, labeling, and continuous monitoring. Additionally, the analysis and labelling of other parameters such as microbiological and arsenic for bottled drinking water brands is needed to protect public health.</p>2016-09-23T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Recent Activities in Infrastructure Science (e-ISSN: 2582-3124)