Flexural Strength of Concrete Beam By Partial Replacement of Cement with Fly Ash And Silica Fume
binary, environmental, microstructure, concrete, consumptionAbstract
The paper presented herein investigates the effect of Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs) on the properties of binary concrete mix with respect to flexural strength as well as, to identify suitable concrete mixtures using various percentage of Class C Fly Ash (FA) and Silica Fume (SF) satisfying the requirement of Flexural Strength. This experiment presents the results on investigation carried out to evaluate the effect of Class C Fly Ash (FA) and Silica Fume (SF) on the strength and microstructure of M45 Grade Concrete. Laboratory testing of multiple mixes with different combination and percentage of SCMs is prepared. The water/binder ratio for M45 grade binary and ternary mix were kept constant for all mixes at 0.4. The entire specimen were prepared, cured and tested as per the Indian Standard Code of Practice. Tests were carried out to characterize the flexural strength of binary and ternary blended concretes at 7, 28, 56 days and results would be compared with the values of controlled concrete (100% OPC).