Research & Review: Journal of Geriatric Nursing and Health Sciences (e-ISSN: 2582-5704)
<p>RRJGNHS is a Peer reviewed Journal and provides a platform to discuss new issues in the area of Geriatric Nursing and Health Sciences. The journal also seeks to advance the quality of research by publishing papers introducing or elaborating on new methods in Nursing Science and Practice. Subject areas suitable for publication include, but are not limited to the following fields.</p> <ul> <li> Gerontological Nursing</li> <li> Geropharmacology</li> <li> Person-Centered Care</li> <li> Public Policy</li> <li> Technology Innovations</li> <li> Geriatric Nursing Management</li> <li> Geriatric Nursing Care</li> <li> Geriatric Nursing Challenges</li> <li> Geriatric Psychiatry</li> <li> Health Sciences Recent Advancements</li> <li> Allied health Sciences</li> </ul>MAT Journals Private Limiteden-USResearch & Review: Journal of Geriatric Nursing and Health Sciences (e-ISSN: 2582-5704)2582-5704Effectiveness of Hydrogen Peroxide Vs Chlorhexidiene Oral Care in Maintenance of Oral Hygiene among Critically Ill Patients Admitted At Government Rajaji Hospital Madurai
<p>Effectiveness hydrogen peroxide vs. chlorhexidiene oral care in maintenance of oral hygiene among critically ill patients, admitted at Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai. Objectives: To assess the level of oral hygiene among critically ill patients. To evaluate and compare hydrogen peroxide oral care and chlorhexidine oral care among group I and group II and associate with their variables. Hypotheses: There is a significant difference between pre and post and between post test and association with their variables. Methodology: True experimental pretest post test design was used. 60 subjects selected by simple random sampling technique. Oral care with hydrogen peroxide for group I and chlorhexidiene for group II was given three times a day for five days. Pretest on first day, post test on sixth day was done by Beck’s oral assessment guide. Results: The findings reveal there is an in significant reduction score in group I 33.1 and in 48.3 groups II. Conclusion: This study statistically proved that chlorhexidiene oral care is more effective in maintenance of oral hygiene among critically ill patients.</p>Mr. Balan SelvanarayananMrs. S. MuniammalDr. S. RajamaniI. Clement
Copyright (c) 2024 Research & Review: Journal of Geriatric Nursing and Health Sciences (e-ISSN: 2582-5704)
2019-01-202019-01-20113An Experimental Study To Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Health Promotion Package On Selected Physiological Symptoms Among Head And Neck Cancer Patients In Selected Hospital, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu
<p>Cancer is the second common cause of mortality in developed countries. Oral mucositis is an inflammation caused by the necrosis of the layer of the oral mucosa. It is one of the most common oral complications associated with cancer treatment. Cryotherapy is a treatment based on the application of low temperatures on a body part. The aim of this treatment is to reduce inflammation, cellular metabolism, pain and spasm and increase vasoconstriction and cellular survival. Specific swallowing exercises have been shown to reduce the effects of radiation induced dysphagia and improve the prognosis for oral intake. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of health promotion package on selected physiological symptoms among head and neck cancer patients in selected hospital Kanyakumari District Tamil Nadu. The design used in this study is Quasi experimental with pre test post test control group design. The study is conducted in International Cancer Centre Neyyoor. The tools used were WHO Mucositis grading scale, National Cancer Institute Xerestomia Grading Scale, Numerical pain rating scale and MAAN Assessment of swallowing Ability scale to assess the physiological symptoms. The investigator given cryotherapy and swallowing exercises for the period of four weeks. Result of the study revealed that health promotion package is effective in reducing physiological symptoms among head and neck cancer patients.</p>Mrs. P. FemilaDr. P. PadmavathiDr. N. Ganapathy
Copyright (c) 2024 Research & Review: Journal of Geriatric Nursing and Health Sciences (e-ISSN: 2582-5704)
2019-02-162019-02-161424Effectiveness of Topical Eutectic Mixture of Local Anaesthetic Cream Application on Pain among Geriatric Patients During Intravenous Cannulation In Medical Ward At Government Rajaji Hospital Madurai
<p>Effectiveness of Topical Eutectic mixture of local anaesthetic cream application on pain among geriatric patients during intravenous cannulation in medical ward at GRH, Madurai. Objectives: To assess the level of pain during intravenous cannulation among geriatric patients. To evaluate the effectiveness of EMLA cream application on pain during intravenous cannulation. To associate the level of pain during intravenous cannulation among geriatric patients with their variables. Hypotheses: There is a significant difference between level of pain during intravenous cannulation between interventional and control group. There is a significant association between pains during intravenous cannulation among geriatric patients with their variables. Methodology: True experimental post test only design was used, 60 geriatric patients were selected by simple random sampling and assessed by numerical pain rating scale. EMLA cream was applied 45 minutes before intravenous cannulation under occlusive dressing, Post test was conducted. Findings: The findings revealed that there was a significant reduction on pain by EMLA cream application and “t” value 24.85 at 0. 00 level. Conclusion: The study concluded that the EMLA cream was effective on reduction of pain during IV among geriatric patients.</p>Ms. SelviMrs. S. MuniammalDr. S. RajamaniDr.S.S.PrabudevaDr. I. Clement
Copyright (c) 2024 Research & Review: Journal of Geriatric Nursing and Health Sciences (e-ISSN: 2582-5704)
2019-03-162019-03-162532Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
<p>Negative pressure wound therapy is also known as vacuum pressure therapy. It is a new technique; now, it is widely used in various countries. It is mainly used to treat acute and chronic wound and this method is specially used for Diabetic wound by delivering negative pressure to the wound and removing excess fluid from the wound, and it helps to heal the wound faster. This technique has more benefits and many research studies have been conducted. Here, an overview of the history, uses, indications range of pressure techniques mechanism recommended pressure contraindication and complication of negative pressure wound therapy are discussed.</p>Ms. D. PriyadharshiniProf. Dr. Manjubala Dash Prof. Dr. A. Felicia Chitra
Copyright (c) 2024 Research & Review: Journal of Geriatric Nursing and Health Sciences (e-ISSN: 2582-5704)
2019-04-162019-04-163339A Pre Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Cancer and its Warning Signs among Adults
<p>Introduction: Cancer has become one of the ten leading causes of death in India. Nurses play a prominent role in the prevention and detection of cancer. Today, the nurse serves the public as a teacher, and health education is one of the functions of nursing. In this study, adult was chosen because keeping in mind that they will take an active involvement in creating the society to know more about the cancer and its warning signs to prevent from cancer. Methods: A Pre- experimental one group pretest post-test design was used in this study. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample. The sample size was 40 adults. Data were collected by using structured interview schedule. Analysis was done by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The result showed overall pretest mean score of adults that was 12.8 (SD=2.989) and post-test mean score was 26.97 (SD=3.082). The comparison of pre and post-test knowledge of adults reveals that the overall improvement mean was (13.900) with standard deviation (3.678). Paired ‘t’ test value was computed to evaluate the structured teaching program regarding cancer and its warning signs. The obtained ‘t’ test value was (23.901), which was found greater than the table values (2.045). This indicating the effectiveness of structured teaching program. Association was done between demographic variables and post-test level of knowledge score of adults by using chi-square (χ2 ) test that there was no significant association between age, sex, education, occupation, sources of information and family history of cancer. There is significant association between family monthly incomes with post-test knowledge scores of adults.</p>Rajkumari Gunisana Devi
Copyright (c) 2024 Research & Review: Journal of Geriatric Nursing and Health Sciences (e-ISSN: 2582-5704)