To Track Down the Missing Individuals Using AI


  • Ankita Nath
  • Azeem Husain Khan
  • Isshita Pandita
  • Jayam Akshay
  • Kavitha C


Facial information, Local authorities, Machine learning, Search process, Surveillance


Face recognition is an advanced biometric technology that utilizes mathematical algorithms to create a unique facial print of an individual. This technology enables the accurate identification of individuals by comparing their facial traits with a database of stored facial information. To enhance the effectiveness of this method, we have developed a proprietary face recognition model integrated with the Tensor Flow framework, a machine learning platform.

In the context of finding missing persons, our system plays a crucial role in expediting the search process. Traditional methods of locating missing individuals often involve arduous paperwork and consume significant amount of time, yielding limited results. Our unique solution revolutionizes this process by leveraging the power of face recognition technology.

Once a missing person's facial information is added to our database, our system actively scans public spaces, surveillance footage, and social media platforms for potential matches. When a match is detected, an instant notification is sent to both the local authorities and the concerned guardian of the missing person. This rapid communication ensures that search efforts can be promptly directed towards locating the individual, significantly increasing the chances of a positive outcome.

Our face recognition system represents a cutting-edge solution to address the challenges faced in finding missing persons. By leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning, we offer a unique and efficient approach that maximizes the chances of reuniting missing individuals with their families while respecting privacy and maintaining the highest standards of security.




