Current Review of Traumatic Optic Neuropathy and Traumatic Brain Injury among Military Service Members


  • Charles S Zwerling
  • Lea Carter, B.S
  • Brandon Lucke-Wold


Concussion, Disability, Helmet, Kinetic visual field, Paratrooper, Static visual field, Traumatic brain injury, Traumatic optic neuropathy, Visual evoked potential


Traumatic optic neuropathy (TON) is a form of optic nerve damage that while rare in the general population, is commonly associated with traumatic brain injury (TBI). With increasingly high rates of TBI in the military community, our service members and veterans represent a population where traumatic optic neuropathy is prevalent. Parachute jumpers have been identified as a high-risk group for under-reported head injury and therefore many cases of TBI are easily overlooked. With recent insights into the limitations of the veteran’s disability exam, we review the current understanding of TON and propose an updated protocol for TON evaluation. We also urge for development of safer helmet design to reduce and prevent further cases of TBI, mTBI, and TON in our military personnel.

