Assessment on the Knowledge of Self-Breast Examination Among Women of Childbearing Age (15 – 45) (A Case Study of Gwari Road Primary Health Care in Chanchaga Local Government Area of Niger State)
Self-Breast Examination, Childbearing Age, level of awareness, Breast AnatomyAbstract
The study was on assessment on the knowledge of self-breast examination among women of childbearing age (15-45). The objectives of the study were to assess the level of awareness of self-breast examination, to find out the importance, level of effectiveness of self-breast examination and to find out early detection of cancer through self-breast examination among women of childbearing age. Non-experimental research was used for the study and data was collected through the use of questionnaires; 100 respondents were randomly selected. Data was analysed using a descriptive statistic of frequency and percentage over a hundred units. The findings of the study revealed among others that most of the respondent 40 (40%) aged between 21-30 years, 65% were married, it also deduced that majority of the respondents have regular menstrual cycle, 85% of respondents are aware of self-breast examination. The study was concluded, and recommendations were made for Chanchaga Local Government Area of Niger State to avail different types of awareness programme to the women of childbearing age and should pay more attention to ensure smooth management of the programme exercise and the community should be sensitize on the significance of self-breast examination among women of childbearing age (15-45).