A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of A Plan Teaching Program Regarding Hygiene in Menstrual Cycle Among Adolescent Girls of Selected School of Ratanpar of Surendranagar District
Menstrual cycle, hygiene, Adolescent girls, Effectiveness, Planned teaching programAbstract
Background of Study: Menstrual cycle is a “A series of natural changes in hormone production, occurring regularly in females every 26 to 30 days. It is the process of ovulation and menstruation in women. To assess the knowledge among adolescent girls”.
Aims and objective: To associate pre-test and post test knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescents students in selected schools of Ratanpar in Surendranagar district.
Method: Assess the effectiveness of plan teaching program regarding hygiene in menstrual cycle among the adolescent girls of selected school of Ratanpar in Surendranagar through pre experimental method.
Results: The mean score of the samples in pre test is 8.63 and mean score of the samples in post test is 18.58.
Conclusion: A study concludes that the association between pre test and post test among the adolescent girls of selected school of Ratanpar in Surendranagar is positive.