A Comparative Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding the Cancer of Cervix among Women in Selected Rural and Urban Area of Surat District


  • Alka Devanand Tajne Principal, Vibrant Nursing College, Surat, Gujarat


carcinoma, Dysplasia, opportunistic screening, urban- Areas represent densely developed territory, Rural-Encompasses of all populatio


The cancer of cervix is a potentially
preventable disease if appropriate screening
and prophylactic strategies are employed.
However, a lack of knowledge and
awareness can result in the underutilization
of preventive strategies. We assessed the
knowledge among women in selected rural
and urban area of Surat district. We
conducted a comparative study on females
of the selected area. Data were collected
using a survey method and selfadministered questionnaire related to
cancer of the cervix. Data analysis was done
using descriptive and inferential
statistics. Results: Data from 60
participants were included in the final
analysis. The overall mean percentage of
knowledge score of women in a rural areas
is 8.15 with SD of 4.05 whereas women in
urban areas are 10.45 with SD of 5.21 and
mean difference is 2.3 which shows that
both area’s women have inadequate
knowledge but somewhere women in urban
area have more knowledge than the women
in rural area. Conclusions: Our study
population showed poor knowledge of
cervical cancer as a disease. The
participants of urban had average
knowledge regarding the cancer of the
cervix. This study highlights the need for
formal educational programs for the
healthcare workers specifically to improve
their knowledge regarding the risk factors
and early signs and symptoms of cervical

