Source of Information about Preparation of Parenthood among Antenatal and Postnatal Women admitted in selected Hospital, Puducherry
parenthood, antenatal and postnatal womenAbstract
Background: The process of preparing for parenthood consists of a series of steps, each of which presents unique challenges and dilemmas. Pregnancy, childbirth, a new baby, few experience in life have as much impact on someone as becoming a parent. A new child brings new worries, new challenges and new stresses. This can also bring new feelings, new understanding and new joys. To prepare for parenthood is essential. In order to understand parenthood education the midwives needs to understand how people learn and why they learn. This awareness exposes the rich opportunity the midwife has to enhance the couple’s experience of pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting. Aim: the aim of the study was to assess the sources of information regarding parenthood among the antenatal and postnatal mother and toassess the nature of information about parenthood among the antenatal and postnatal women admitted in selected hospital, Puducherry. Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted among antenatal and postnatal mothers who were admitted in selected hospital, Puducherry. Sample size was 60, selected through purposive sampling technique. The quantitative research approach and descriptive research design was used in this study. The data was collected using semi structured questionnaireamong antenatal and post natal mothers. Results: Majority of the mothers, 28 (46.6%) had source from family and 18 (30%) mothers from health professionals, majority of the mothers, 15 (25%) received information about antenatal diet, 10 (16.6%) mothers about baby care and 9 (15%) mothers about postnatal diet. All the postnatal and antenatal mothers think it is useful to have a source of information for preparing themselves to enter parenting. Conclusion: Therefore finding of the study revealed about the sources of information, nature of information and its usefulness for preparing the antenatal and postnatal mothers in preparing themselves for better parenthood. The result showed that family is the main source of information than the health care professionals.