Knowledge Regarding Breast Engorgement among Primi Postnatal Mothers Admitted in Amala Institute Medical Sciences, Thrissur
breast engorgement, primi post natal mothersAbstract
Breast feeding is an unequal way of providing ideal food for healthy growth and development of baby. It is also an integral part of the reproductive process with important implication for the health of the mothers. The main reason for considering the breast feeding as important is that, it is an essential time of bonding between mother and baby. Breast feeding provides close physical contact and help mother and baby become acquainted. Breast milk is the primary source of nutrition for newborn before they are able to eat and digest other foods. It contains enough nutrition needed for growth and development of the baby [1]. Breast engorgement is the commonest problem encountered during the early post natal periods. It occurs due to expansion and pressure exerted by synthesis and storage of breast milk in the collecting ducts. Engorgement changes the shape and curvature of the nipple region and making breast inflexible, flat, hard and swollen, this makes latching difficult. It can be exacerbated by insufficient breast feeding [1]. The National Family Health Survey conducted in 2015−2016 reports that the painful breast is the most common reason for giving up breast feeding in first two weeks after the birth. One factor that leads to such pain can be “breast engorgement”. It is reported that 72%−85% of mothers are affected by breast engorgement. It occurs within three-six days after delivery. Breast engorgement can occur any time during lactation when milk is not transferred from the breast. Not all babies are able to feed at the breast due to prematurity, illness, abnormalities, separation from their mothers, which can lead to breast engorgement. So, it is important to follow proper breast feeding techniques to prevent breast engorgement, the commonest problem in the early postnatal period. The high incidence rate of breast engorgement is due to poor knowledge regarding care of breast and breast engorgement, hence, it is important to assess the knowledge level of the postnatal woman regarding breast engorgement [2]. The present study was aimed 27 Page 26-33 © MAT Journals. All Rights Reserved to assess the knowledge regarding beast engorgement among primi postnatal mothers in Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, Thrissur. The objectives of study were to assess the knowledge regarding breast engorgement among primi para mothers, to determine the association of level of knowledge with selected baseline variables, and to prepare a leaflet on prevention and management of breast engorgement. The research approach was quantitative and the research design adopted was descriptive design. Thirty primi para mothers were selected by convenience sampling technique. Data was collected using structured questionnaire to assess the knowledge on breast engorgement and to assess the baseline line variables. The results showed that out of total 30 samples, 2(6.6%) had excellent knowledge level, 20(66.66%) had good knowledge level, 7 (23.33%) had average knowledge level, 1 (3.33%) had poor knowledge level.