Manufacturing of a New Prosthetic Socket by Direct Method


  • Esraa A. Abbod


Carbon fibre, Direct method, Fatigue tester, Fibreglass, Socket


The conventional techniques employed in the production of industrial sockets consume a significant amount of time. Consequently, modern approaches have been adopted to prioritize rapid socket manufacturing, although they entail higher expenses. In this study, cost-effective materials were utilized to implement the direct method. The tensile test results for samples crafted from fibreglass composite materials demonstrated a favourable outcome when compared to those made from carbon fibre composites using the direct method. Furthermore, the fatigue test results suggest that cost-effective materials can be effectively utilized by relying on the direct method.

However, it's important to note that the majority of amputations are trans-tibial. In this research, below-knee sockets were manufactured using a swift production process, with a working time not exceeding two hours. This technique, known as the direct method, involves the direct lamination of four carbon layers onto the patient's residual limb. The mechanical characteristics were examined and contrasted with those of the traditional manufacturing method, which is widely employed globally but typically takes weeks. This traditional technique is called Vacuum Molding Technique, and it employs six layers of fibreglass.




