Effects of Weather Condition and Geomagnetism on Electric Grid


  • Bangshidhar Goswami


Wind load, Empiricism, Electrical grid, Geomagnetic storms, Space


This article is the study of fatal devastation tended to excuse by normative affairs of electrical engineering fronts over day-to-day prosecution of damages. Deficit forefront studies have ever schemed studies ad-hoc as analogies to that of beyond design standard of distribution network applicable to withstand normative typhoon wind speed. Exceed data allocated merged fame has no such scheme to opt additional excuse of production scaled such that neglected scheme parlour is way to survive apologized so whelm business, etc. The phenomenon of the collapsed pole, broken pole, and broken line of medium voltage distribution line has been very serious when typhoon occurs to excuse fatal of composes same ad-hoc as used to be philosophical excuses. Analysis and prediction have subscripted issued about damage probability of a transmission line-tower system by disaster, so forth prevention and reduction of damage have suggested adding factors into empirical derivation, where factors have emphatically evaluated or beyond surpass. Serious accidents have been studied from causes of a power failure by distant tower failures thereby break-in-lines as accounted from typhoon disaster effects on power grids. The damaged physical model has been a simple and established analytical method to assess the damage mechanism of the power grid through important influencing factors. Power grid damage data analysis has been developed by data analysis and data mining technology, e.g., extracted data from historical typhoons, hurricanes, and severe storms i.e. data-driven statistical models. Differential scores have prompted an addendum act from the component running time, transmission under pollution level, variation in pollution of line, and density of lightning. Henceforth, relevant usage of public data affecting power system models about power outage prediction has been established under hurricane through data mining. Subscripted issued as from linear regression, exponential regression, linear multiple regression, and neural network association models have subjected further scope to assess the relation between precipitations, maximum and minimum temperature limits, and line failure rate caused by plant growth. Inclusive climatic weather factors in the association have been given by, storms, heavy rain, and high temperatures. Thus, secondarily associated differentials have been specific to industrial weather effects, logical scripting issues have been, given by, in-excess temperature fluctuation/sustenance, humidity, reactive atmosphere, waste deposition status, etc. Descriptive issued original parameter estimation model of the power system has been based on the fuzzy cluster, has added up with conditional effects, especially climatic factors. Another cause of power grid disruption has been studied as an act of sun radiation originated storm. Power grid disturbances of Earth’s magnetosphere have been hit by intense solar wind cloud from the major outburst, otherwise, coronal mass ejection (CME) from Sun has produced subsidy of following minutes to cause worldwide sudden commencement (SC) impulses in the geomagnetic field.



How to Cite

Bangshidhar Goswami. (2021). Effects of Weather Condition and Geomagnetism on Electric Grid. Journal of Power Electronics and Devices, 7(3), 1–8. Retrieved from http://matjournals.co.in/index.php/JOPED/article/view/3826


