Power QualityAnalysis by Calculating Total Harmonic Distortion at Different Sag Values Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer
Dynamic Voltage Restorer, Voltage Sag, Two Level Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), THD Calculations, Park’s Transformations.Abstract
Power Quality is the most important issue in distribution network due to frequency variation,
voltage dip, voltage swell and Harmonic Distortion. The Paper deals with the compensation
of voltage dip using a series connected device Known as Dynamic voltage Restorer, which is
relatively less expensive, small in size, higher energy storage and power efficient device as
compared to other custom power devices. In this paper, two level Pulse Width Modulation
system is utilized to adjust the voltage plunge at various sag esteems. The Total Harmonic
Distortion esteems are likewise determined utilizing Fast Fourier Transform investigation
and compared with and without filter section utilized in the DVR unit and the rate
enhancement in the Total harmonic Distortion by utilizing channel unit is likewise assessed.