Internet Addiction and its Impact on Adolescents: Prevention is the Solution: A Short Critic Analysis


  • Rajkrishnan. R
  • Mahantesh Sarabani


Hazard, Internet addiction, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary


Internet addiction is one the most hazardous activity towards every individual in this world, and adolescents contributed a major part. Adolescents are a source of the nation and they have inbuilt energy but they are using it negatively due to chronic use internet addiction hence they proved themselves they failed in a carrier. In day-to-day, life the Internet is acquired like a pickle in a meal, therefore, the adolescent is not to be away from the internet. However, adolescents are facing many issues which affect their physical, mental, social, and moral health of adolescent which harming them in schooling, and playground activities, and isolating them from friends, parents and society as well so it shows the intensity of involving internet addiction among adolescents. Could we think about whether this crisis has a solution? Of course, this hazardous gaming has a solution in terms of prevention in the stage of begging of internet addiction. The parents have a major role in this activity, therefore, being a parent of the particular adolescent child they must have the thorough knowledge to deal with the pathological situation, moreover, the health department has a super major role to make everyone aware of everyone the same in terms of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.




