A Study to Assess Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Worm Infestation among Mothers of Underfive Children at Selected Village in Dindigul
Worm Infestation, mothers of under five childrenAbstract
Worm infestation is one of the leading causes of anemia and under nutrition among the children. And also Children with these infections suffer from developmental disturbances and other serious illness. This study was conducted to assess the knowledge regarding prevention of worm infestation among mothers of under five children. Because of poor sanitary condition illiteracy, ignorance and lack of awareness in India more than 80 percent of children’s are affected by worm infestation infections. So there is an urgent need to assess the mothers knowledge regarding worm infestation. The main purpose of the study is to assess the knowledge regarding prevention of worm infestation among mothers of under five children. A quantitative research approach was used to evaluate the knowledge regarding prevention of worm infestation among mothers of under five children. The research design adopted for the present study was simple Descriptive. Samples were mothers of under five children in selected areas of Dindigul, sample size was 30 and sampling technique was purposive sampling. The association between demographic variables of mothers of under five children’s and knowledge level regarding prevention of worm infestation was determined by chi square test. The result shows that, 17 (56.67%) mothers of under five children had moderately adequate knowledge, 7 (23.33%) had inadequate knowledge and 6 (20%) had adequate knowledge regarding prevention of worm infestation. In the present study the investigator assessed that majority of under five mothers having moderately adequate knowledge regarding prevention of worm infestation. The knowledge of mothers of under five children was not influenced by any of the demographic variable mentioned in this study.