A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness on Self Instructional Module (SIM) of Knowledge Regarding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Among the Primary School Teachers of Selected Schools in Bengaluru


  • Saumya V Revi
  • Karthik Aiyappa Sathyan
  • Leya Philip


Knowledge, SIM, Effectiveness, ADHD, Primary school teachers


A study was conducted to check the effectiveness on Self Instructional Module of knowledge regarding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among the primary school teachers of selected schools in Bengaluru. The objectives of the study were to a) to check out the existing knowledge regarding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in the primary school teachers. b) to evaluate the effectiveness of self -instructional module of knowledge regarding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among the primary school teachers by comparing pre & post test scores. C) to determine the interrelation between pre & post-test knowledge scores regarding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in the primary school teachers with their noted demographic variables. Modified consumer information process model by Bettman, Mc Guire conceptual framework used. The research design adopted was experimental design and the sampling technique used was non probability convenient sampling technique. Structured knowledge questionnaire was used for data collection. Knowledge of teachers regarding ADHD is increased significantly after the execution of the self-instructional module. It can be concluded that SIM is an effective strategy for strengthening the knowledge.

