Overview of Repair Strategy on Jetty Site Depending Upon Extent of Damages


  • Sayyad Tabssum Rafik
  • M. B. Kumthekar


Distress Mapping, Maintenance of Piles, Repair Strategies, Vibration Transmission, Urbanization


Maintenance is the act of regularly inspecting or fixing something to keep it in excellent working order. Repair is the process of returning something to its original state after it has been damaged, degraded, or broken. The process of restoring a structure or an area to its prior good state is known as rehabilitation. The two aspects of maintenance are prevention and repair. Some full information can be obtained from a physical inspection of a damaged structure, such as the nature of distress, type of distress, extent of damage and classification, and their causes, such as preparing and documenting the damages, collecting samples for laboratory testing and analysis, planning for in situ testing, special environmental effects that were not considered during the design stage, and information on the loads acting on the structure. It is possible to receive at the moment of harm. This paper presents a case study of a jetty for distress assessment and repair strategy. This paper primarily focuses on repair techniques, materials and strategies to be implemented. To avoid future harm, preventative measures may be required, which may necessitate immediate implementation.




