Learning Center for Specially Abled


  • Athira Raj
  • Anjali Sujat


Intellectual disability (ID), Social acceptance, Potential, Special needs


Intellectual disability is not a disease and it cannot be cured, however, early diagnosis and continuous interventions can help to improve adaptive functioning throughout one's childhood and into adulthood. The census of 2011 revealed that there are 1,505,624 individuals with Intellectual Disability in India. The statistics indicates that every one lakh person in our total population, 124 persons have Intellectual Disability. These individuals are still excluded from the sociocultural and educational activities of the immediate society because they are labeled as ‘disabled’. What they actually lack is social acceptance, timely interventions that identify and nurture their potentials, and an environment that meet their special needs. In order to break these barriers, right from childhood, they should be given a welcoming environment that supports their learning experience, health, safety, welfare, and well-being that lead them to independent adulthood. This thesis attempts to explore the potentials of children with intellectual disabilities and the architectural character of the environment they need.




