Satisfaction Determinants of Homeowners’ with Their Dwelling Units in Enugu Urban, Enugu State, Nigeria


  • Egbo, Ogueji
  • Ubani, Obinna
  • Chukwuali C. B


Components, Homeowners, Satisfaction


In Enugu urban, there are divers’ feelings by homeowners on how satisfied their housing units are. At times, homeowners do either build additional structures in the already designed houses or abandon their homes. This is an indication that they probably are not satisfied with the way the houses were designed by the architects. There is always a lacuna between the expectations of most homeowners and architects’ service delivery. The tasks confronting architects are to be able to identify the imperatives which determine appropriate and satisfactory homeowner housing and use them as inputs for housing design and development. This study was aimed at determining the various factors that influence homeowners’ satisfaction with their dwelling units. The study was conducted using survey research methods. The study explored both primary and secondary data. Structured questionnaires and interviews were used in the study. 368 copies of questionnaires were distributed across the selected nine residential neighborhoods in the study area. The study adopted the cluster sampling technique, simple random sampling technique and systematic sampling technique. Principal component analysis aided in revealing the factors that influence homeowners’ satisfaction with their dwelling units. The study classified the factors that influenced homeowners’ satisfaction with their dwelling units’ into ten components which explained 58.01 percent of observed variation in home satisfaction variables. The ten factors are Material and fixture Quality (28.075%), Spatial Location sizes (6.855%), Culture/ aesthetics (4.095%), Psychology/ emotion (3.609%), Space/ relax (3.197%), ventilation (2.830%), Facility availability (2.745%), Safety (2.512%), Outdoor facility (2.370%), and Privacy (2.312%).




