Daylight in School and its Impact on Energy Demand


  • Sheetal Bagde


Daylight, window sizes, Eco-Tect simulation, energy demand


The study aims at understanding natural and artificial light conditions in existing school building and to experiment different ways of reducing need of artificial lights. This experiment was performed using quantitative study approach. An Eco Tect model of existing School was erected in Eco-Tect simulation software and series of simulation was performed to study the daylight condition in classroom. Optimum size of windows in order to achieve maximum daylight in the classroom is determined and accordingly reduction in artificial light load was calculated. Reduction of artificial light in school building reduces energy demand of school and thus minimizes the load on natural resources. It helps in making schools economically viable, self-sustainable and also increases performance of the students. The immediate purpose of the research performed is to find out percentage of reduction in energy demand of school by maximizing daylight. After analysis classrooms in existing school using Eco-Tect, the simulation results reveal that providing 3 windows of 1.8m x 1.8 m with 0.75m sill height and fixed glass ventilators of 7 m x 0.45 m, will natural lit 75% area of the classroom and thus reduce energy demand of school by 67 %.




