Ceramic Filters for Drinking Water Treatment


  • Najla K
  • Binisha P


Burn out materials, Ceramic water filter, Chemical contamination, Silver coated calcium hydroxyapatite, Silver impregnation


One of the greatest threats to human health in developing countries is drinking water contamination. Ceramic water filters (CWFs), manufactured from naturally sourced materials and manufactured by local labour are one of the most acceptable for drinking water treatment technologies because of their effectiveness, low-cost and ease of use. Ceramic water filtration has been greatly improved to remove most of the bacterial contamination in water. In the past, the developed ceramic filters are not able to
remove chemical contaminants in water. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop a clay water filter that could remove
microbial as well as chemical contamination in water at the household level. This review also outlines the critical factors that influence the performance of CWFs, including CWF manufacturing process (raw material selection, silver impregnation), and initial water quality before treatment.




