Effectiveness of Rain Water Harvesting for change of trends in Aquifer behaviour
Artificial Recharge, Groundwater Estimation, GIS, Rain Water HarvestingAbstract
Rain water harvesting (RWH) and Artificial recharge techniques are low cost solutions to
water crisis. In cities, due to increasing urbanization, rain water can be harvested and
recharged to the ground water artificially. This paper presents a study of effectiveness of
RWH in terms of change of trends in aquifer behaviour. Chennai, formally Madras, City,
capital of Tamil Nadu State is selected as the study area since major RWH structures has
taken constructed during 2001-2003 because of Government legislation. Preliminary
analyses of rainfall and groundwater levels were carried with respect to space and time to
understand the trends. Water table contours were drawn using the Arc GIS.9.2 software.
“Groundwater Estimation Committee (GEC)” rules of Government of India were used for
estimation the change in storage during pre and post RWH periods, which are found to be
1.76 Mm3 & 32.77 Mm3 respectively. It is concluded that the implementation of RWH has
improved the groundwater storage though the rainfall in the study area is decreased and the
extraction is increased due to raise in population.