A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Practice of Patients with Bronchial Asthma Age Group of 15-65 Years Regarding Prevention of Recurrent Attacks of Asthma in Selected Hospitals at Tumkur with a view to Develop a Self-Instructional Module
Bronchial Asthma, people, knowledge and practice, prevention and Self-Instructional ModuleAbstract
The prevalence of asthma has increased several folds globally. More than 334 million people currently suffer from asthma. The prevalence of the disease is continuing to grow, and the overall prevalence is estimated to increase by 100 million by 2025. The disease imposes a heavy burden on individuals, families and societies. Asthma control is achievable for nearly every patient. Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge and practice of patients with bronchial asthma age group of 15- 65 years regarding prevention of recurrent attacks of asthma. 2. To determine the association between the selected demographic variables with knowledge and practice regarding prevention of recurrent attacks of asthma. 3. To prepare a self-instructional module on self-care management of bronchial asthma. Method: The research design of the study was descriptive research design. The subjects selected for the study were bronchial asthma patients. The sample consisted of 60 bronchial asthma patients attending the in-patient, outpatient and emergency departments of Shridevi Institute of Medical Science and Research Hospital. The study participants were selected by convenient sampling technique. The conceptual framework selected for the study was Health Belief Model by Becker. The tool selected for this study was structured knowledge questionnaire to assess the knowledge and checklist to assess the practice of bronchial asthma patients regarding prevention of recurrent attacks of asthma. Data was collected from selected bronchial asthma patients for a period of 3 weeks after conducting the pilot study. Results: The collected data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study findings revealed that the knowledge of bronchial asthma patients was determined with mean of 12.88 and standard deviation of 2.12. The mean score percentage was computed and it was observed as 42.93. The selected bronchial asthma patients have inadequate knowledge regarding prevention of asthma attacks. The mean score for practice was 10.75 with standard deviation 2.12 and rage 20. The mean score percentage was 43. This shows that bronchial asthma patients practices regarding prevention of asthma attacks were found to be poor. The linear correlation between overall knowledge and practice was r=0.93, which was statistically significant at 0.05 level. The correlation analysis shows a highly significant relationship between knowledge and practice. Interpretation and conclusion: The prevalence of asthma has increased several folds globally. The morbidity rates associated with asthma are dramatic. It affects school attendance, occupational choice, physical activity and many other aspects of life. Majority of asthma patients belongs to the age group 36-45 years i.e. 38.33% and 56.66% of bronchial asthma patients were male. Most of them (38.33%) had only middle school education. Majority of samples are dependent (40%) and most of them live in rural areas (58.33%). 70% of samples were having pets in their house and most of them were using cooking gas as fuel for cooking. The overall mean score percentage of knowledge is 42.93 and overall mean score percentage of practice is 43. The current study by the researcher concludes that the selected bronchial asthma patients knowledge and practice regarding prevention of recurrent attacks of asthma was inadequate. The knowledge of bronchial asthma patient was influenced by pets in the house and the practice of bronchial asthma patient was influenced by gender. Since the majority of people with asthma have inadequate knowledge about the disease process, triggers factors, management, prevention and control of asthma attacks, education of patients in the aspects is very essential for proper management, prevention and control of asthma attacks, education of patients in these aspects is very essential for proper management and control of asthma.