A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching (One Day CPR Training) on Knowledge Regarding Paediatric CPR Among B.Sc (H) Nursing Students of College of Nursing, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi


  • Madhu Bains
  • Seema Kumari
  • Monika
  • Preeti
  • Harsha
  • Poornima


Paediatric CPR, teaching knowledge


A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching (one day CPR training) on knowledge regarding pediatric CPR among B.Sc. (H) nursing students of college of nursing, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge regarding pediatric CPR and to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program (one day CPR training). Quantitative and evaluative research approach and a single group pretest and post-test research design were adopted. The data was collected with the help of Structured Knowledge Questionnaire. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample. A structured teaching program (one day CPR training) was carried out to develop skills among students regarding pediatric CPR. The major finding of the study highlighted that there was significant rise of 46% of subject’s knowledge regarding pediatric CPR in the post test after the structured teaching program was conducted. Hence the hypothesis was accepted. There was no statistically significant (p>0.05) association between post-test knowledge scores and socio-demographic variable. The study concluded that planned teaching program was found to be effective in enhancing knowledge and developing skills of nursing students regarding pediatric CPR.



How to Cite

Madhu Bains, Seema Kumari, Monika, Preeti, Harsha, & Poornima. (2020). A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching (One Day CPR Training) on Knowledge Regarding Paediatric CPR Among B.Sc (H) Nursing Students of College of Nursing, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. Research & Review: Management of Emergency and Trauma Nursing (e-ISSN: 2582-0494), 2(1), 17–23. Retrieved from http://matjournals.co.in/index.php/RRMETN/article/view/5024




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