A Study To Assess The Knowledge Regarding First Aid Measures For Snake Bite Among Farmers In Selected Villages of Bardoli, Gujarat, With A View To Develop Self Instructional Protocol


  • Ms. Saleha Mansur
  • Ms. Payal Vasava
  • Ms. Chandni Patel
  • Ms. Khushbu Patel
  • Ms. Shruti Pande
  • Ms. Megha Patel
  • Mr. Henil Patel
  • Mr. Chirag Boghara
  • Ms. Ashwini Patil
  • Mr. Manjunath. M. Beth


knowledge, first aid, snake bite, farmer


Venomous animals are a significant health problem for rural populations in many parts of the world and including our nation. First aid management of snake bite is very important for medical, paramedical and non-medical personnel including teachers. Objective: To assess the socio demographic variables, to assess the knowledge level regarding first aid measures of snake bite among farmers, association between pre-test knowledge score of farmers with selected socio demographic variables, to develop a self-instructional module on first aid measures for snake bite. Methodology: An evaluative research approach with pre experimental design was used and the study was conducted at village of Bardoli Taluka. The sample comprised of 60 farmers. Sample was selected by using convenient sampling technique. Data collection was done from 1st September year? formal permission from Sarpanch of village was obtained prior to data collection process. Data was analyzed using Descriptive and Inferential statistics. Results: The results of the study showed that after the introduction of self -instructional module, 29 farmers(65.90%) were having excellent knowledge, 21 (47.72%) were in good category, average was 10 (22.72%) and none were having poor knowledge. Conclusion: The results of the study concluded that, the farmers got good knowledge regarding snake bite after the administration of self -instructional module. The self- instructional module regarding first aid measures of snake bite was highly effective in improving the knowledge regarding first aid Measures among the farmers.



How to Cite

Ms. Saleha Mansur, Ms. Payal Vasava, Ms. Chandni Patel, Ms. Khushbu Patel, Ms. Shruti Pande, Ms. Megha Patel, Mr. Henil Patel, Mr. Chirag Boghara, Ms. Ashwini Patil, & Mr. Manjunath. M. Beth. (2019). A Study To Assess The Knowledge Regarding First Aid Measures For Snake Bite Among Farmers In Selected Villages of Bardoli, Gujarat, With A View To Develop Self Instructional Protocol. Research & Review: Management of Emergency and Trauma Nursing (e-ISSN: 2582-0494), 1(1), 1–5. Retrieved from http://matjournals.co.in/index.php/RRMETN/article/view/5035




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