Design and Development of Voice Controlled Battery Powered Wheelchair for Handicapped Person


  • Shivam S. Teli
  • Prathamesh U. Arasgonda
  • Javed J. Khan
  • Satyam S. Teli
  • Milind A.Patil


Arduino, HM2007, Joystick, Motor, Sensor


Using a voice-controlled wheelchair is simple for people with physical limitations who are unable to regulate their hand movements. Speech recognition technology is used to control the motorized wheelchair while motors provide propulsion. The HM2007 Voice Recognition Module, an Arduino, and Motors make up the circuit. When the user gives a command, the voice recognition module recognises it and sends the Arduino Microcontroller the relevant coded data, which is stored in memory. The proper movement is controlled by the Arduino Microcontroller. For persons with physical restrictions who can use their hands, the wheelchair additionally comes with a joystick. This study presents the design and development of a voice-controlled battery-powered wheelchair for disabled people. The main goal of this project is to offer physically challenged people a user-friendly, practical, and affordable solution to their mobility issues.

The proposed system is made to be user-friendly and comfortable. Voice commands are handled by a microcontroller unit to control the wheelchair. The motor drivers that are utilised to move the wheelchair are managed by the microcontroller unit. A speech recognition module that is built into the system processes the voice commands.

A battery that can be recharged and last for several hours powers the wheelchair. Sensors built into the wheelchair are utilised to identify impediments and prevent crashes. The user receives data from the sensors regarding the space between the wheelchair and obstructions.

The wheelchair is made to be portable and light, making it simple to store and travel. In addition, a joystick that can be used as an alternate control mechanism is included with the wheelchair. In conclusion, the suggested system offers a simple and effective solution to the mobility issues faced by those with physical disabilities. The user can expect comfort, safety, and convenience of use from the system. To accommodate unique user requirements, the system can be modified.




