A Review paper on Design and Fabrication of Rain & temperature sensing and shielding Machine
Arduino Uno, DC Stepper motor, Rain sensor, Smart protection system, Smart roofAbstract
The project is about to design a smart automatic roof that can be used primarily for the prevention of getting the drying laundry wet in the rainy season. It can also prevent the clothes from discoloring due to excess drying or heating. This system involves the protection of clothes drying at the drying line from the heavy rain, by the auto-roof, which covers the whole area. However, it can be used for any other purpose also, where there is a requirement to protect something from heavy rainfall. The rain sensor is activated when it detects the rain droplets on it, and it will give intimation to the controller. So, when the sensor is ON, it will give intimation to the controller which will indicate to the DC Motor, and it will automatically raise the roof to the open position. Similarly, the temperature sensor is going to work. If it detects a temperature level above a limit, it will give intimation to start the motor. This complete system is controlled by the use of Arduino.