Design & Manufacturing of Tamarind Seeds removal machine: A Review


  • Manish Karanjkar
  • Sahil Bujruk
  • Sahil Ghasti
  • Ganesh Gadade
  • R.R. Kadam


Tamarind Seeds, Machine, Motor, Cam


Actual problem of removing seeds from tamarind will be studied. Survey about customer need about this product will be studied. And we will make tentative concept and rough sketch which shown removal of tamarind from machine. So, we get tentative cost of machine. It will start with the design criteria for individual system component. This includes design of motor, belt, disc, shaft, linkages and other system components. Also, it includes selection of proper elements for easy and fast response. We are designing 3D model with the help of 2D and 3D software like AUTO-CAD, Solid-Works, CATIA. The experimental test was conducted to check the actual performance of setup the working of all components like belt, shafts and other components to make a statement about good working condition of setup.




