Design and Development of Two Speed Gear Box for Agricultural Machinery


  • Abhishek M Patil
  • Krishnakant C Pore
  • Varad S Joshi
  • Prithvish P Kavathe
  • Mr. S.S. Kothale


Gearbox, Agricultural, Mechanical


The agricultural productivity gives larger growth in India at larger rate. The productivity of sector depends upon many factors, one of the major factor is use of agricultural vehicle for farming where some activities are carried out by heavy duty vehicle in organization, in which spraying fertilizer by use of engine power of the vehicle is also a major part and there is need of a Gearbox which can complete that requirement. The main purpose of this assignment is to provide a secondary gear box with high increment ratio for supplementary equipment for agricultural vehicle, low weight and efficient for a Tractor engine up to 1000cc and 25hp. It should be capable of providing up to 4900rpm and should bear the forces of rotating blades which will be used for spraying pesticides and herbicides. The assignment being with study on gearbox, theoretical calculations, analysis, verification, assembly, testing, and at last final testing of the gearbox.




