The Impact of Textile Processing on Environment and Their Issues


  • Nemailal Tarafder


Pesticides and Herbicides, Waste Water, Allergic Reactions, Air Pollution, Recycling of Clothing, Sustainable Products, Toxic Chemicals


The effect in terms of impact on environment by the textiles and clothing industries is beyond emissions. Dyes and chemicals used by the textile industries pollute water ways. A tremendous pressure has been created by the society on the designers and manufacturers of textile products to reduce the impact on environment. Therefore, the new generation textile materials are coming in the markets with new fibres to improve performance and sustainability. Again, various ways for these issues have been proposed which includes new business models for clothing rental, designing of products that would be reused and recycled easier with better quality in fashion-oriented products. The effluent is one of the biggest sources of pollution of environment. Some of the chemicals used are carcinogenic or may cause harm to children even before birth and others may trigger allergic reactions to some people. Over the last decade, agents like hydrogen peroxide have taken the place of hypochlorite and chloride. Cotton is a big culprit being one of the most pesticide intensive crops in the world.




