Dynamic modeling and cutting stability of high speed end milling with regenerative effect


  • SK. Jakeer Hussain
  • K Rama Kotaiah
  • Mansoor Ahmed S
  • Venkat Royal M


Spindle dynamics; Stability; Bearing contact forces; Timoshenko beam element; Solid modeling.


Dynamic behavior of spindle method influences chatter stability of system tool significantly.
A self-excited vibration of the tool outcomes in unstable slicing procedure which ends up in
the chatter on the work surface and it reduces the productiveness. On this paper, a gadget of
coupled spindle bearing device is hired by means of considering the angular contact ball
bearing forces on stability of machining. The usage of Timoshenko beam detail components,
the spindle unit is analyzed by consisting of the gyroscopic and centrifugal terms. Frequency
reaction features on the tool-tip are obtained from the dynamic spindle version. Within the
second segment, solid version of the device is evolved and its dynamic response is obtained
from three dimensional finite detail analysis. The works on analysis of the stability of milling
processes focus on calculating the stability boundary of the machining parameters based on
the dynamic models characterizing the milling processes. The stability lobe diagrams are
generated from frequency response functions (FRF’s) lead toan stability limit prediction for
the system at high speed ranges.




