Design and Fabrication of Rotary Axis for WEDM (Wire electrical discharge grinding)


  • M.Parthiban
  • M.Santhosh Kumar


WEDM; WEDG; hardness; aspect ratio


The paper gives an overview of designing of rotary axis for WEDM and fabrication of the
same. WEDG the combination of WEDM with grinding a Hybrid Machining Process, WEDM
has lot of advantages so all the Hybrid Machine are use the help of WEDM but here WEDG
is used to produce the micro components like probe and micro electrodes. One such
combination is wire electrical discharge grinding (WEDG), which is commonly used for
micro-machining of fine and hard rods. Here the workpiece need the tendency to rotate
where the wire is pass through based on spark erosion principle the rod can be grinded to
our required small and precise diameters like 0.4mm, the existing WEDM can only used to
produce through holes with the help of this we can able to reduce the components diameters
and lengths WEDG also has an ability to produce micro components with high aspect ratios
the rotation of workpiece is taken cared of with the help of spindle that coupled with AC




