Optimization of Milling Process Parameters of Mild Steel
CNC Milling machine Mild steel, Taguchi method, S/N ratio, ANOVAAbstract
Achieving a good surface finish is the main challenge in the metal cutting industry during the
machining process. The quality of the manufactured products depends on several process
parameters and is often evaluated by several quality characteristics and experimental
techniques. According to Taguchi methodology, the present investigation has chosen four
process parameters from machining parameters cutting speed, feed, depth of cut and the
cutting tool material in a CNC milling machine to achieve the better surface finish. The
material chosen for study is the mild steel. The experiments were designed as per Taguchi’s
orthogonal array. S/N ratio and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are performed to investigate
the optimum process parameters and the influence of these parameters on the surface
roughness. The result from the conducted experiments indicates cutting tool and feed rate are
the factors influencing the surface roughness value in process parameters of milling machine
for optimization.