Traits for ND: YAG Laser Beam welding procedure


  • Bharat Mudgal


Laser beam welding, modeling, evaluation, performance characteristics


Laser Beam Welding (LBW) is a broadly used welding approach in automotive, Aerospace,
and digital and Heavy manufacturing industries to enroll in a variety of metals and alloys
because of its excessive speed, fine welding seam satisfactory, low heat input consistent with
unit quantity, deep penetration, and slim heat affected zone, and reduced tendency to
cracking. LBW manner is so complicated in nature that the choice of suitable input
parameters isn't always feasible with the aid of the trial-and-errors method. The selection of
welding parameters in any machining technique substantially impacts the weld first-rate and
the manufacturing cost. on this paintings, the results of welding enter parameters, viz., pulse
duration, pulse frequency, welding speed and pulse energy on Bead geometrical parameters,
viz., bead penetration, bead width and bead volume are analyzed. It’s far based at the
empirical fashions evolved by means of response floor method.




