A Case Study on Feasibility Of Electrostatic Precipitator In Naval Singh Sahakari Shakkar Karkhana Maryadit Navalnagar Ziri Burhanpur


  • Pratik Maheshwari
  • Sagar Gupta


Aspect ratio.Collection Efficiency,Migration Velocity, Specific Collection Area


This dissertation work is based on the case study on Naval Singh Sahakari Shakkar Karkhana (NSSK) Burhanpur M.P. It is a leading sugar industry in India situated in Ziri district Burhanpur. Sugar industry plays a leading role in Indian economic structure and very especially it is connected with agriculture sector. The plant (NSSK) is having their separate power development or generating and sugar cane crushing units. The Flue gases which are disposing from the chimney filter by wet type vertical mechanical dust collector, but it is observed that present arrangement i.e. mechanical dust collector is not working well. The unburned and ash particles are polluting the atmosphere. The present report is based on the elimination of the mechanical dust collector and design and implementations of Electro Static Precipitator.




