Housing Everyday Life of Local Communities The case of Mahallat al-Mahdia in the Old Hilla


  • Ali Aumran Lattif Al-Thahab


Social life, everyday practices, local structure, cultural heritage, socio-cultural values


As a real reflection of human assets in traditional contexts, an integrated system of sociocultural values reports influential factors in the architectural characteristics of urban heritage and the spatial arrangement of social activities. The article traces social life and daily practices in Mahdia Mahalla in Old Hilla as a basic system in shaping its urban tissue and preserving sustainable living. Daily routines greatly affect individuals’ private spheres in different ways than those used in Muslim cities, but are highly dependent on values, customs and rituals realised and affirmed by Islam as the fundamental institution for organizing social life. In this context, interchangeable activity-space-time relationship was viewed as an effective mechanism in home and Mahalla architecture, and is essentially thought as act of dwelling. Study focus will be directed towards investigating socio-spatial activity organisation as a crucial building code in living environments, and preserving heritage elements as true incubators of its components.




